Can a filter be eliminated from a CSS file in a modified CSS file?

Currently, I am facing a dilemma with a CSS rule in my file. The rule in question looks like this:

.someElement {
    filter:gray(enabled=true) alpha(opacity=50);
    -ms-filter:"gray(enabled=true) alpha(opacity=50)"

This specific rule is causing some trouble and I wish to eliminate it. However, editing the primary CSS File seems like a tedious task. Ideally, I would prefer to create a secondary CSS file that can override or remove this problematic rule.

Do you think this can be achieved without resorting to JavaScript or any alternative method?

Answer №1

To incorporate this into your CSS file, ensure it is loaded after the original one with this code snippet added:

.anotherElement {

Verified in Internet Explorer 10:

Answer №2

The best approach depends on the specific situation. One option is to utilize inline CSS to provide overrides as needed. Alternatively, you could create a separate CSS file specifically for overriding styles and link it after the original one.

Oops, I missed your response earlier!

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