Unable to locate a resolution for the error message "Warning: Task "uglify" not found"

Below is the content of my Gruntfile.js:

module.exports = function(grunt) {



    uglify: {
      start: {
        files: {
          'js/script.min.js': ['js/script.js'],

    imagemin: {
      build: {
        options: {
          optimizationLevel: 3
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          src: ['img/sprite_svg/*.svg'],

    svgstore: {
      options: {
        includeTitleElement: false,
        svg: {
          style: 'display:none',
        cleanup: [
      default : {
        files: {
          'img/sprite.svg': ['img/sprite_svg/*.svg'],

    watch: {
      livereload: {
        options: { livereload: true },
        files: ['build/**/*'],
      scripts: {
        files: ['js/script.js'],
        tasks: ['js'],
        options: {
          spawn: false
      images: {
        files: [
        tasks: ['img'],
        options: {
          spawn: false
      html: {
        files: ['./index.html'],
        // tasks: ['html'],
        options: {
          spawn: false

    browserSync: {
      dev: {
        bsFiles: {
          src : [
        options: {
          watchTask: true,
          server: {
            baseDir: "./",
          startPath: "index.html",
          ghostMode: {
            clicks: true,
            forms: true,
            scroll: false



  grunt.registerTask('default', [

  grunt.registerTask('js', [

  grunt.registerTask('img', [


I have installed both the uglify and imagemin npm packages, but I am encountering an error: Warning: Task "uglify" not found.

This issue arose after adding svgstore to the configuration, and I suspect it may be a syntax error. As a beginner in using Grunt, I'm unsure about what is causing this problem. Any assistance or guidance would be highly appreciated.

Answer №1

Can you tell me what the package.json file contains?

"load-grunt-tasks" automatically retrieves packages from both "dependencies" and "devDependencies" in the package.json, eliminating the need to manually use "grunt.loadNpmTasks".

Additionally, it is recommended to install "grunt-contrib-uglify" instead of just "uglify".

Answer №2

There are extra commas present after the last item in two arrays

grunt.registerTask('js', [
  'uglify' // <-- please remove this comma 

grunt.registerTask('img', [
  'svgstore' // <-- it's best to remove this comma as well

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