Can a CSS rule be prevented from inheriting?

Currently, I have implemented this CSS rule in the body selector:

body {

However, it seems like this rule is inheriting down to all other text elements on the page. Is there a way to prevent CSS from applying this rule to other elements?

I specifically want the text alignment to only apply to the body.

Answer №1

It seems like the styling is affecting all instances of text on my page.

Actually, it's not cascading everywhere. It's just being inherited from parent elements. The cascade in CSS refers to how rules are applied to matching elements, not how values are copied down from parents.

Is there a way to prevent this style from being inherited?

To stop inheritance, you need to explicitly set a different value for the property on the specific element where you don't want it to inherit. One way to do this is by targeting all child elements of the body and setting a different text alignment:

body > * {
    text-align: left;

However, a better solution would be to avoid placing inline content directly in the body. Instead, wrap the content in a container element (like a div) and center the content within that container.

Answer №2

Follow these steps:

header {padding: 10px;}       /* Add padding to header */
body > * {margin: 0;}          /* Remove margin from all elements */

As far as I know, the default value of margin is auto, which renders the above code unnecessary. Therefore, you can include something like this:

header {padding: 10px;}         /* Add padding to header */
body > * {margin: 5px;}           /* Apply margin to all elements */

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