Delegating events with .on('click') and using the CSS negation selector :not()

Struggling to implement event delegation for a dynamically added or removed class? I need to create an event for elements that are clicked, but without a specific class. Here's the code I have so far, but it doesn't seem to be working. Could it be a syntax error? If yes, how can I correct it?

$('.gallery-cell a img').off('click').on('click', ':not(.g-clicked)', function() { 
    // more code here 

Answer №1

The filter in the second argument of the $selector.on() method is used to target the descendants of your $selector. Since img elements cannot have children, you may need to adjust your code like this (depending on where you are dynamically adding your class):

$('.gallery-cell a').on('click', 'img:not(.g-clicked)', function() { 
    // additional code goes here


$('.gallery-cell').on('click', 'a:not(.g-clicked) img', function() { 
    // additional code goes here

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