Baffling Visibility Issue: iframe's Transparency Lost in Chrome and IE, Only Visible in Firefox

I have encountered a puzzling issue:


<div id='base'>
    <iframe id="myFrame" src="about:blank" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>    

<script id="content" type="text-html">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
            <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus architecto quasi deleniti eius praesentium non officia culpa corporis officiis perferendis laudantium placeat excepturi. Voluptatum fuga mollitia reiciendis non aliquam dolorem!</h2>              


    var myFrame = $("#myFrame");
    var content = $("#content").html();


iframe {
#base {

In Chrome & IE the background color of iframe is white instead of the wrapper's color (red). In Firefox it works fine.

Additionally when inspecting element in Chrome no HEAD and BODY nodes in iframe.

When I remove the css (bootstrap) then everything works fine. Somehow if I write anything into HEAD (fe. any css!) the transparency not work and HEAD/BODY tags disappears.

(I tried with * {background-color:transparent} in iframe also without success. I guess the problem is something else)

It's a perplexing mystery for me.

Can someone offer assistance?

Answer №1

adjust your code as per the instructions below


var myFrame = $("#myFrame");
var content = $("#content").html();
//replace html with body to set the content of the body 

css adjustments

after linking the external Bootstrap, include the following line

    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
    <style> BODY {background:none transparent !important}</style>

Answer №2
I attempted to simplify the code, but unfortunately could not recreate the issue.

section {
.wrapper {

It seems that when you included the custom.css file which applies a dark background color to the header. To fix this, simply add

header {background-color: transparent;}

This will address the background issue without affecting the section itself.

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