Can a CSS regex selector match either one condition or another?

Is there a way to find a match when the pattern /(\sclassName|^className)/ is met in CSS selection? One hypothetical approach could be:

[class(^|\s)='className'] {
  font-size: 5000px;

Although I found a helpful resource on CSS Attribute Selectors titled The Skinny on CSS Attribute Selectors, it doesn't cover this specific scenario.

I am specifically looking to only match instances of "icon-" in two examples, excluding the third one.

In the first example, you can achieve this with [class^='icon-]

<div class='icon-something another-class'>

In the second example, you can use [class~='icon-']. However, note that this won't match if 'icon-' appears at the start of the class string:

<div class='another-class icon-something'>

To avoid matching instances like -icon within strings, the *=` method or |=` method may be more suitable:

<div class='another-icon-class another-class'>

Answer №1

To apply the same rule, you will need to use two separate selectors as CSS selectors do not fully support alternation.

[class^='icon-'], [class*=' icon-'] {
  /* ... */

div {
  color: red;

[class^='icon-'], [class*=' icon-'] {
  color: green;
<div class='icon-something another-class'>should match</div>
<div class='another-class icon-something'>should match</div>
<div class='another-icon-class another-class'>should not match</div>

Answer №2

If you're looking to target elements with classes that either begin with "icon-" or include " icon-" (with a space at the beginning), you can use the following CSS selectors:

[class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] { ... }

Check out this JSFiddle demo for more.

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