What is the process for creating a Sass mixin that declares a selector at the base level, rather than nested within another

Apologies for the unconventional terminology in the query, but I am struggling to find better words to describe it. Hopefully, this example will clarify my intention:


.my-smug-selector {
    @include my-smug-mixin(30px);

desired css-output

   // some styles

    // some other styles 

    // some other styles 

This concept intrigues me in general, but let me elaborate on why I am interested in exploring this: I aim to define a keyframe animation that is applied to the specified selector, for instance:


.my-smug-selector {
    @include my-smug-mixin($vars);

desired css-output

    animation: most-smugish-animation 5s;

@keyframes most-smugish-animation {
    from {background:red;}
    to {background:yellow;}

Answer №1

If you're using the upcoming Sass 3.3 version (still in development), you can utilize the following code snippet:

@mixin egomotion() {
    animation: most-egotistical-animation 5s;

    @at-root {
        @keyframes most-egotistical-animation {
            from {background:red;}
            to {background:yellow;}

.my-ego-selector {
    @include egomotion;

For older versions, you need to provide the selector name as an argument to the mixin:

@mixin egomotion($sel) {
    #{$sel} {
        animation: most-egotistical-animation 5s;

    @keyframes most-egotistical-animation {
        from {background:red;}
        to {background:yellow;}

@include egomotion('.my-ego-selector');

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