Having trouble clicking the button due to the overlay blocking it?

This code contains the HTML portion

<li id="nav1" class="navs"><a unselectable="on" draggable="false" class="Navigation" href="http://youtube.com">YouTube</a></li>

Below is the CSS code

.navs:after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;  left: 0;  right: 0;  bottom: 0;
  background: #0d0d0d;
  opacity: 0.5;
  transform: scaleY(0);
  transform-origin: 0 100%;
  transition: all .2s ease-out;
  transform: scaleY(1);
    background: #FFFFFF;

The issue I'm experiencing is that when I try to click the button, an overlay appears which prevents me from clicking it. Although I don't want to remove the overlay, is there a way to still be able to interact with the button even with the overlay present?

Answer №1

Solution one

To ensure your button is clickable above an overlay, consider increasing its z-index value.

Solution two

If you prefer, you can prevent the overlay from blocking mouse events by adding pointer-events:none; to it, allowing the button to be clicked through it.

Edit: It's recommended to use pointer-events whenever possible, with z-index as a secondary option. If you resort to using z-index, I recommend defining this style in your CSS rather than inline for better organization.

Answer №2

There are numerous possibilities to consider... Be sure to investigate whether any z-index properties have been applied to parent elements of the element. I faced a similar issue and resolved it through troubleshooting: I opened a JavaScript file and used console.log to identify the target className I clicked on (achieved by:

    window.addEventListener('click' , (e) => {
        const target = e.target.className; 


After logging the className, click on the malfunctioning button while ensuring that a class has been added to it previously. Verify if the class is displayed correctly. At times, I had to move the console outside the window.

Through this process, I discovered that my SVG Animation was occupying invisible space overlapping the button. To resolve this issue, I simply assigned a z-index value of -1 to the SVG.

I hope this information proves beneficial! As I struggled to find a solution, I aim for my experience to assist others as well.

Note: Additionally, review the pointer events for both the button and other elements to confirm they are not set to none.

Answer №3

replace the use of before and after with span, try this out

<a href="my link"><img  class="" src="my_image" alt="">
<span class="rig-overlay"></span>
<span class="rig-text">

using span ensures it does not interfere with clickable area

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