How can I customize the color of the selected Leaflet GeoJSON FeatureLayer and its border?

Learn how to customize the fill and border color for leaflet GeoJSON layers with the following options.

   * Generates GeoJSON layers and assigns event handlers.
  private createGeoJsonLayer(geodata: any, map: L.Map): L.GeoJSON<any> {
    const layers: L.GeoJSON<any> = L.geoJSON(geodata as any, {
      style: {
        weight: 2,
        color: 'orange',
        opacity: 0.8,
        fillColor: 'red',
        fillOpacity: 0.6,
      onEachFeature: (feature, layer) => {
        this.onEachFeature(feature, layer);

Check out this Angular demo:,src%2Fapp%2Fleaflet-demo.component.css

Want to change the selection fill and border colors?

Currently set to blue fill and yellow border, find out how to customize these values and locate leaflet's documentation for more options.

Answer №1

Alright - The colors for selection are configured within the event handling functions. Therefore, the following code snippet will modify the border color to pink and the fillColor to green upon hovering over and clicking on the feature.

  private onMouseOver(featureLayer) {
    if (featureLayer) {
        weight: '2', //border width
        color: 'pink', //border color
        fillColor: 'green',

      if (! && !L.Browser.opera12 && !L.Browser.edge) {

Feel free to check out this demo.,src%2Fapp%2Fleaflet-demo.component.css

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