A division element continually broadens to its maximum width, regardless of whether there is enough space to accommodate additional elements on the same

Whenever the browser window is resized while displaying the code provided below, I am facing an issue where the div expands to the max-width even when I do not want it to do so.

When everything fits on a single line, the layout appears fine. However, upon reducing the browser size and forcing the img elements onto two lines, there is excess space on the right side of the last image from the first line within the div. My preference is for the div not to expand to the max-width if it cannot accommodate another img on the same line. Instead, I would like the width of the div to align with the rightmost img in the container.

Sample test code:

.parent {
  background: red;
  max-width: 90%;
  display: inline-block;
img {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: grey;

  <link href="test.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

  <div class="parent">
    <img src="" />
    <img src="" />
    <img src="" />
    <img src="" />
    <img src="" />
    <img src="" />
    <img src="" />
    <img src="" />


Answer №1

Experiment with using width:fit-content, width:auto, or adding a min-width value.

Answer №2

To achieve a similar behavior, set the image width to auto and the container width to 100%. However, be aware that this may result in stretching the image without maintaining white space on the right side.

If necessary, utilize media queries to adjust the image width according to specific screen sizes for better control over the appearance.

Answer №3

Give this a shot: Change the min-width to fit-content, or you could adjust the max-width to fit-content or auto. The issue arises because the width is currently set at 90%, and your image blocks are too large for that space. Consider bringing down the width by using width: 87.4%;

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