Converting canvas illustrations into HTML files

I am in the process of creating a drawing application that will be able to export into HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I plan to use this tutorial as a foundation for the drawing functionality. My goal is to take all the rectangles within the this.shapes = [] array and export them in a way that doesn't rely on the canvas element, allowing for the addition of regular HTML attributes like buttons or text fields. What format should I export these shapes to? Are there specific combinations of HTML/CSS/JavaScript that I should consider?

An example scenario within the app could involve drawing a square, coloring it red, converting it into a text field, and adding some text. Upon exporting, the result would ideally include an HTML element with the appropriate properties. However, I'm unsure how to preserve details such as location, color, and other shape attributes.

Answer №1

One option is to save the canvas as a base64 image and then convert it to an actual image file.

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