Utilizing AnimateCSS within a ReactJs component

After installing Animate.CSS with the command npm install animate.css --save, I noticed it was saved in the directory ./node_modules as a locally packaged module.

I went through the Animate.CSS documentation on Github, which mentioned that adding class names like fadeInDown, bounceInDown...etc to the desired HTML element would trigger animations. However, I wasn't sure how to include a class name from a locally installed package.

Question: How do we retrieve and include a class name from the local Animate.CSS package into a ReactJs Component?

Assume: Let's say we have a React component like the one below, and we wish to add the class name animated bounceIn.

export class SimpleInfo extends React.Component {
   render() {
        <div>My information</div>

Answer №1

Facing a comparable problem, I took the initiative to create a fresh classname that mimicked the style of the animate.css class. This new class, complete with additional CSS styling, was then placed under a reactcsstransitiongroup.

While perhaps not the most optimal solution to your inquiry, implementing this approach proved successful in resolving my issue.

Answer №2

Although I haven't been able to try it out, this code snippet is expected to function correctly.

import { bounceIn } from 'animate.css'

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