CakePHP: Explaining the contrast between " $this->fetch('css') and $this->Html->css('cake.generic')" when working with CakePHP

Could anyone provide a brief explanation of these two lines found in the CakePHP layout.ctp file? It appears that both lines are used for adding CSS. What is the distinction between them? How do they function?


Answer №1

To learn more about using blocks for script and CSS files, refer to the documentation.

Within your view(s), you can utilize:


Within your layout(s), you can utilize: $this->fetch('css')

A layout includes presentation code that surrounds a view. Any element that should appear in all views should be placed in a layout.

Essentially, when setting up your layout, using $this->fetch('css') will automatically include any css blocks from your views. So, if in your views you have both:


By using $this->fetch('css') in your layout, both will be included. It's important to note that without defining the block content first, it will not display anything. Adding

in the layout file before the block call ensures it is added if not already included in a defined view.

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