In what ways can CSS be used to create a smoother edge effect on images?

After attempting to add an image to my website, I noticed that its edges appear quite rough. In the image above, you can observe the jagged surface around the berry).

This issue arose when I eliminated the background using an image editor. Is there a way to smooth out these edges using CSS? If so, could someone please provide guidance on how to do so?

Thank you in advance...!!!

Answer №1

Avoid attempting to solve this issue with css. Use a png24 file (avoid png8 or gif) as it provides proper alpha (transparency) and eliminate the background color by utilizing it as an alpha mask (or a similar method).

You can achieve all of this with free software like GIMP if you don't have access to PhotoShop.

Update: I just realized that the svg version is available, why not use that instead?

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