I'm looking for guidance on how to merge my JavaScript and CSS files together. Can anyone provide me

As a beginner in web development, I have been looking into combining JS and CSS files. However, explanations using terms like minifies and compilers on platforms like Github and Google are still confusing to me.

Here are the CSS files I have:

  • bootstrap
  • bootstrap-min
  • bootstrap-responsive
  • bootstrap-responsive-min
  • main
  • prettyPhoto

And these are my JS files:

  • bootstrap
  • bootstrap.min
  • jquery
  • jquery.prettyPhoto
  • jquery-migrate-1.2.1
  • theme

I'm not sure which tool would be best for combining these files. If someone could provide a step-by-step explanation, that would be extremely helpful.

Answer №1

To simplify your project, you can merge your JavaScript and CSS files into one by combining them in the same order they would be included on a webpage. Remember, you don't need to include the full Bootstrap library if you are already including bootstrap.min file afterwards—it's just a minified version of the same file. This also applies to JavaScript files.

If you want to further optimize your files, consider using a compression tool like this one:

Give it a try and hopefully everything will work smoothly.

Answer №2

While it may seem convenient to combine files, it is not advisable to do so for libraries. It is also generally best practice not to merge these types of files.

  1. Libraries often remain unchanged for extended periods of time, allowing them to be cached by users and resulting in faster site loading times.

  2. A better approach is to link these libraries to reputable CDNs (such as Google or JQuery) which excel at load balancing, ultimately improving your page loading speed (despite potential DNS lookup overhead).

  3. Larger files are less likely to be cached, meaning that if a large file is repeatedly downloaded with each page call, it can significantly slow down your website.

However, when it comes to custom scripts, combining them into a single file and minimizing code will almost always yield positive results.

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