Learn how to join a comma with a space in AngularJS

My sequence of strings is "aby,abraham,issac,rebecca,job,david,daniel" and I want to insert a space after each comma.

I am assigning the value using ng-bind and showing the result using ng-show. I cannot use the join function as the data is retrieved as an array from the database.

Answer №1

One way to bind directly is by using the following code:

<span ng-bind="users.name.split(',').join(', ')" ng-show="users.name"></span>

Filters are not necessary in this case.

If you want to set an initial value, you can utilize the ng-init directive to set Username to a specific list of names:


Answer №2

To accomplish this task, you can utilize the filter function.

.filter('commaSpace', [function () {
    return function (str) {
      return str.replace(',/g', ', ');

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