Bringing in LESS variables to Rails 3

In my assets folder, I have a global.less file where I have defined various site-wide variables.

Currently, in order to use these variables in other less files, I have to add this line at the beginning of each file:

@import 'global';

While this method works perfectly fine, it results in a duplicate copy of global being loaded into every less file. I am exploring if there is a more efficient way to import it only once in the project, allowing other less files to access it as needed.

Answer №1

To successfully achieve this, there are only two minor adjustments that need to be made.

  1. Convert application.css into a .less file by renaming it as either application.less or application.css.less.

  2. Delete the require_tree . sprocket directive, which automatically imports files from the stylesheets directory and eliminates your ability to specify the order.

After completing these tasks, everything should function as anticipated:

// within global.less
@foo: #FFFFFF;

// inside foo.less
.foo {
  background-color: @foo;

// lastly in application.less
@import 'global';
@import 'foo';

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