The chaotic world of Android WebKit versions 2.x and 3.x

I have been working on an Android app and my goal is to make it compatible with Android versions 2.2 and above. Currently, due to issues with the WebView control, I am restricted to targeting Android 4.0 and higher.
The app primarily uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

The div.appList displays a list of apps, and when clicked, the app should open. However, there is an issue here; in order for the list to be scrollable, I have to add overflow: scroll; to its parent. This works perfectly fine in Android 3.0 and above. But in Android 2.x, the list remains unscrollable.
I mentioned it worked fine in Android 3.0, right? Well, the scrolling does work. The problem now is that click events are not being registered. When a user taps on an item in the list, the click event doesn't get triggered, probably because it's detected as a scroll action. Disabling scrolling makes the items clickable again, but then the list becomes useless as only the top few items can be accessed.

Everything functions properly in Android 4.0 and higher.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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I welcome any suggestions that can help me achieve compatibility with older versions. While I'm aiming for Android 2.x support, making it work on version 3.2 and above would already bring me a lot of joy.

Answer №1

overflow:scroll|auto doesn't function properly on older Android 2.X devices. Instead, this CSS rule behaves similarly to overflow:hidden :)

While the issue cannot be fixed directly, using plugins can help circumvent this behavior. For example, you may consider using

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