bringing in cascading style sheets regulations

I'm looking for a straightforward solution to a specific issue. Is it possible to import individual CSS rules rather than an entire stylesheet into another one?

For instance, I only need the styles for p, blockquote, #main, and .red in one stylesheet, without importing any other rules such as basic OOP. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Answer №1

Manipulating this using CSS alone is not possible, leading to the rise in popularity of preprocessors such as LESS and SASS.

Answer №2

To streamline your code, consolidate common elements into a single file and reference them from other files. An alternative method is using CSS @Import, as outlined here:

However, be cautious of the downside to this approach - it can increase the number of files web browsers need to download, leading to slower site loading times. Learn more about this issue in this article:

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