The positioning of the menu icons varies

When it comes to displaying the search icon in the WordPress toggle bar, I use a custom JavaScript file. This setup is mainly focused on website design and menu functionality. Additionally, I have integrated a newsletter subscription plugin for managing subscriptions.

To see the exact position of the menu icons, please visit this website.

My current challenge revolves around aligning the search and newsletter icons within the menu bar. Currently, clicking on the search icon causes the newsletter icon to shift positions unexpectedly.

Below is an excerpt from my JavaScript file:

jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) { 

    //Javascript Detection
    //Read More Link
    function readmorelink() {
        $('a.more-link').closest('p').css('text-align', 'center');

    function flexslider() {
            animation: "fade",
            slideshow: false,

        $(".flex-next").html('<i class="icon-chevron-right"></i>');
        $(".flex-prev").html('<i class="icon-chevron-left"></i>');
    function fitvids() {

    //Comments Toggle
    $("#comments-title").attr('class', 'comments-close');

    $("#comments-title").toggle(function () {
        $(this).attr('class', 'comments-open');
        $('html, body').animate({
            scrollTop: $("#comments-title").offset().top
        }, 0);
        return false;
    }, function (){
        $(this).attr('class', 'comments-close');
        return false;

    //Infinite Scroll
    if ((custom_js_vars.infinite_scroll) == 'no') { 

    } else { 
              loading: {
                  msgText: "...Loading Posts...",
                  finishedMsg: "- End of Posts -"
              nextSelector: '.post-nav-next a',
              navSelector: '.post-nav',
              itemSelector: 'article',
              contentSelector: '.posts',
              appendCallback: true
        },function () { 

    $( ".icon-medium.icon-search" ).click(function() {

    $( ".icon-medium.icon-search" ).click(function() {

    //Cabinet Toggle
    $('#cabinet-toggle, #cabinet-toggle-mobile').click(function () {            
        $(".icon-plus-sign").attr('class', 'icon-minus-sign');
        return false;
    }, function () {

        $(".icon-minus-sign").attr('class', 'icon-plus-sign');
        return false;
    //Responsive Menu

        var title = $(this).attr('title');
        if( $('option:selected', this).val() != ''  ) title = $('option:selected',this).text();
            .after('<span class="select"></span>')

Answer №1

Your CSS code includes the following:

body:not([class*=mobile]) {
    top: 327px !important;

This code ensures that an icon appears 327 pixels from the top of the screen at all times. However, clicking on the search icon causes the search field to appear above it, resulting in the newsletter icon not being aligned properly.

To fix this issue, try the following workaround:

$( ".icon-search" ).click(function() {

In this function, add a CSS class to your newsletter selector to adjust its position by adding 327px plus the height of the search box.

I hope this solution works for you!

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