Bootstrap 5 - Create a full-screen modal perfectly aligned with its parent element

BootStrap 5

Incorporating the following layout:

<div class="row flex-nowrap">
  <div class="left">
     <!-- leftbar -->

  <div class="main overflow-auto position-relative">
    <!-- main site content -->

     <div class="modal fade">
        <div class="modal-dialog modal-fullscreen">

The main represents the primary content area (with scrolling functionality).

An attempt was made to use a full-screen modal within the main section, aiming for it to be relative to its immediate parent (i.e. main) rather than the viewport.

Due to the .modal element using position:fixed, this goal was not achieved. The following adjustment was tested:

<div class="modal fade position-absolute">
    <div class="modal-dialog modal-fullscreen">

Unfortunately, this modification resulted in a cluttered appearance. Is there a more elegant solution to accomplish the desired outcome?

Answer №1

I'm not entirely convinced that the code below will be neater than your solution, but just in case, here it is:

The concept is to establish a stacking context so that Position: fixed won't be relative to the viewport. Certain properties create a stacking context (transform, ... and possibly others).

In simpler terms, applying transform: translateX(0) to your div.main element will cause your div.modal to behave as if it has a position: absolute.

EDIT: To learn more about properties that create a stacking context, check out this link: Which CSS properties create a stacking context?

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