Visual Latency when Quickly Toggling Between Images in Succession

I have a series of 50 images that need to be displayed sequentially inside a div.

The time interval between displaying each image is initially set at 750 milliseconds and decreases with each subsequent image.

To ensure all images are loaded before the animation begins, I included the following code:

(window).load(function() { });

The animation utilizes the setTimeout method:

var index = 1;
function newImage(index) {
var interval = setTimeout( function(){
        $("#image-container .image").css("display","none");
        $("#image-container .image:nth-child("+index+")").css("display","block");
        index = index + 1;


Here, the array delay contains different delay values like [750,750,650,...].

The animation itself works smoothly, but there's a slight visual glitch where no image is displayed for a split second, showing only the background. How can this be resolved?

Answer №1

Experiment with the visibility CSS attribute in place of the display property.

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