Steps to modify the background color of an IconButton upon clicking in Material UI

After clicking on the IconButton, the background color changes to an oval shape. I now need to modify the background color when it is clicked.


The CSS code for the IconButton changes the background color upon hover. I require a similar effect for the onClick event.

const customStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
    paper: {
        backgroundColor: theme.palette.accent[100],
      iconButton: {
        padding: "10px",
        margin: "0 5px 1px 0",
        "&:hover, &.Mui-focusVisible, &:active": {
          backgroundColor: theme.palette.accent[100],
        "&$buttonDisabled": {
          color: theme.palette.accent[100],

Material UI

<Paper className={classes.paper}>
    <Box display={"flex"} height={theme.spacing(2.3)}>
         onClick={() => {
            <img src={"/static/images//a.svg"} />
            <Box pl={1} mt={"-4px"} maxWidth={theme.spacing(10)}>
                <Typography variant={"subtitle1"} component="p">
                    {" Hello"}

Answer №1

After researching, I discovered a clever method to create an onclick effect in CSS mentioned in this helpful post: Can I have an onclick effect in CSS?. The suggested approach involves utilizing a checkbox trick, though alternative methods are also detailed on the linked page.

If you have more flexibility, implementing JavaScript is another viable option.

Wishing you a wonderful day!

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