Avoid the simplified view prompt when using Chrome or utilize the simplified view feature without any interruptions

When I access my website from Chrome on Android, I am prompted to "Show Simplified View" at the bottom of the screen. Clicking this prompt results in only one news item being displayed instead of the intended 25, controls removed, and scrolling disabled. Other issues include mismatched headlines/images/article excerpts and a missing color scheme. This problem is exclusive to Google Chrome.

I have not encountered this prompt on other websites and cannot find a way to disable it from the server side. My main concern is that enabling simplified view may block advertisements, which are vital for supporting my site financially.

In summary:

  1. How can I prevent the "Show Simplified View" prompt?
  2. If prevention is not possible, how can I optimize my site for simplified view functionality?

Answer №1

Substitute P elements with div within your webpage. This technique is commonly referred to as Reader mode. You may find assistance in this particular response.

Answer №2

My solution to this issue involved adjusting the font size according to the media width. Once I increased the font size enough for it to be legible on my mobile device, the simplified view feature no longer appeared. Here is the code snippet that did the trick:

@media (max-width: 540px) {
    body {
        font-size:18px !important;

It was a straightforward fix.

Answer №3

Make sure to review your viewport settings for mobile devices. I encountered this notification when I adjusted the initial scale of the viewport to 0.6.

Google seems to have detected that the font size is too small. It may appear fine to me, but it might not be ideal for users with less than perfect vision.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=0.6, maximum-scale=2">

To resolve this issue, simply changing initial-scale=1 should do the trick

Answer №4

I ultimately arrived at a vastly improved solution

p { display: table; }

Simply converting the paragraphs to one of the standard blocks, in this instance I chose to transform it into a table.

Answer №5

Chrome will display Simplified Views prompts when there is a significant amount of text on the website, indicating it may be a paragraph-heavy site for reading purposes (typically over 700 characters).

If you shorten or delete content to reduce the amount of text, Chrome will not trigger the prompt.

Answer №6

Hello there! Tired of that pesky pop-up? Fear not, for there is a simple solution at hand. Simply navigate to chrome://flags and locate the 'reader mode' setting. Disable both flags associated with 'reader mode' and bid farewell to that annoying interruption once and for all (unless you decide to uninstall and reinstall Chrome, in which case... well, you know what to do). Thank you for your time, goodbye!

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