What is the best way to stop a Primefaces knob label from appearing outside of the knob circle while scrolling horizontally?

Currently employing Primefaces 13, I've encountered an issue with a dataTable that contains a column displaying a number using the p:knob component. When horizontally scrolling the dataTable, the label of the knob component is rendered outside the knob circle due to its absolute positioning. Switching it to relative solves the issue, however, the label now appears below the circle rather than inside it. Is there a workaround for this problem?

Answer №1

I managed to find a solution by using a limited range of knob sizes and assigning a unique CSS class to each size.

Here is an example of the CSS code used:

div.ui-knob input.knob {
    font-size: 16px !important;
    position: relative !important;

div.ui-knob.xs-knob-size-64 input.knob {
    margin-top: -57px !important;

Each knob component is assigned a class based on its size, as seen below:

    height="64" width="64" max="100" min="0" step="1"

Furthermore, if a knob is placed within a p:column of a p:dataTable and the column width is not sufficient, the knob may be partially hidden. To prevent this, I added min-width to the style of the p:column to ensure the column width accommodates the knob width.

I am hopeful that future versions of Primefaces will address this issue and optimize knob display for all sizes.

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