At what point does the browser begin fetching the background images specified in a stylesheet?

Are images mentioned in a valid CSS declaration with a background-image value downloaded when the stylesheet is parsed or when the declaration is applied on a page?

In simpler terms, do I need to download all background images listed in my stylesheet even if they aren't ultimately used?

Is there any specification that addresses this scenario (and if so, is it adhered to) or is it up to the User-Agent?

Answer №1

Once you specify the background-image in your CSS file, the browser will fetch the image directly while parsing the stylesheet, regardless of how you reference that class in the document.

Answer №2

Modern web browsers continue to advance in intelligence. They now have the capability to detect screen size and refrain from downloading images for mediaqueries that are not applicable: mediaqueries and images download

I recently discovered that if you declare

#example{ background-image: "whatever.jpeg"}
but the element #example is not found in the DOM, the browser will not fetch that image. This information can be found here: Are unused CSS images downloaded?

It's important to be cautious when using display:none; as hidden elements' background images on your responsive website may still be downloaded.

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