Arranging 2 divs side by side

As a beginner, I'm struggling to find the answer because I have no idea what search terms to use.

Now, I have a form

        <form action="#" method="POST">
            <div id="labels">
    <label>CMS System</label><p>
    <label>Responsive Design</label><p>
    <label>Google Package+</label><p>
    <label>Google Ranking</label><p>
    <label>Social Media</label><p>

<div id="input">
<input type="text" name="page" value="1"><p>
Yes<input type="radio" name="cms" id="cmsyes" value="yes"/> No<input type="radio" name="cms" value="no" id="cmsno" checked/><p />
Yes<input type="radio" name="Responsive" value="yes"/> No<input type="radio" name="Responsive" value="no" checked/><p />
Yes<input type="radio" name="Googlepkg" value="yes"/> No<input type="radio" name="Googlepkg" value="no" checked/><p />
Yes<input type="radio" name="Googlerank" value="yes"/> No<input type="radio" name="Googlerank" value="no" checked/><p />
Yes<input type="radio" name="slideshow" value="yes"  /> No<input type="radio" name="slideshow" value="no" checked/><p />
Yes<input type="radio" name="socials" value="yes" id="socialyes" /> No<input type="radio" name="socials" value="no" id="socialno" checked/><p />

I would like

#input {
      move next to #labels instead of being below it


I tried using margin: -xxxpx; but I understand that is not the correct way to achieve this.


Answer №1

#categories { float: right; margin-left: 12px; }

Don't forget to close your tags properly.

On the topic of styling with ids, I suggest using classes instead. Check out this blog post by Sarah Smith for some great insights and additional resources.

Answer №2

Here are a couple of things to note:

Make sure your <div id="labels" > has a closing tag like </div>.

Remember that <p> tags require both an opening and closing tag, such as <p></p>

Consistency is key - ensure every element receives a <p> tag if you want them aligned properly. Consider using the following markup for side-by-side display in HTML:

<label>CMS System</label><input type="radio" name="cms" />

If you prefer separate <div> containers, you can try this approach:

There may be a discrepancy between the elements. To achieve the desired result, consider adding an extra <p> tag in either the first or second <div> container.

Answer №3

Are you attempting to create your own CMS system?

If you want to master CSS styling for positioning elements, I recommend researching the css box model. This will provide valuable information on how to arrange elements horizontally.

As for your current issue, it seems like you are aiming for a layout similar to this example: JSFiddle

To solve your problem, make sure to group each label with its corresponding control (radio button) in the markup:

<label>CMS System</label>
Yes<input type="radio" name="cms" id="cmsja" value="yes"/> 
No<input type="radio" name="cms" value="no" id="cmsno" checked="checked" />

I included a <br/> element for quick spacing, but utilizing the box model will offer more precise positioning options.

Additionally, exploring topics like html forms may be beneficial for your project.

Consider starting with smaller projects as a beginner before tackling a full-fledged CMS.

Answer №4

When it comes to styling form elements, this approach can be quite effective:


<label>Content Management System</label><input type="radio" name="cms" />
<label>Your thoughts</label><input type="text" name="thoughts" />


label, input[type=text] { display:inline-block; text-align: right; }
label { width: 30%; margin-right: 2%; }
input, input[type=text] { width: 60%; }

The radio buttons don't require a set width, but I included the text input to demonstrate how you could further enhance the styling of forms.

For a visual example, check out this link:

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