What is the best way to retrieve information from a data set?

After borrowing some basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code from CodePen, I ran into an issue while attempting to convert it to React. The error message says that it cannot read properties of null (specifically 'dataset').

Here is the JavaScript code snippet:

const wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper");

const rand = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);

const uniqueRand = (min, max, prev) => {
  let next = prev;
  while(prev === next) next = rand(min, max);
  return next;

const combinations = [
  { configuration: 1, roundness: 1 },
  { configuration: 1, roundness: 2 },
  { configuration: 1, roundness: 4 },
  { configuration: 2, roundness: 2 },
  { configuration: 2, roundness: 3 },
  { configuration: 3, roundness: 3 }

let prev = 0;

setInterval(() => {
  const index = uniqueRand(0, combinations.length - 1, prev),
        combination = combinations[index];

  wrapper.dataset.configuration = combination.configuration;
  wrapper.dataset.roundness = combination.roundness;
  prev = index;
}, 1000);

And here's the corresponding HTML code:

<div id="wrapper" ref={myContainer} data-configuration="1" data-roundness="1">
    <div className="shape"></div>
    <div className="shape"></div>
    <div className="shape"></div>
    <div className="shape"></div>
    <div className="shape"></div>
    <div className="shape"></div>
    <div className="shape"></div>

Uploading the associated CSS would be too lengthy...

I attempted using useRef, but didn't have any luck. Time to find a workaround for this roadblock.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'dataset')

Answer №1

It is likely that you are querying the wrapper <div> before it is fully mounted in the DOM, causing your wrapper variable to be null, resulting in an error message.

An easy workaround would be to query the Element right before you need it, within the setInterval:

setInterval(() => {
  const index = uniqueRand(0, combinations.length - 1, prev),
    combination = combinations[index];

  const wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper");
  if (wrapper) {
    wrapper.dataset.configuration = combination.configuration;
    wrapper.dataset.roundness = combination.roundness;

  prev = index;
}, 1000);

Check out the demo: https://codepen.io/ghybs/pen/dyjKQGg

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