Arrange the dynamically created card positions

Currently, I am working on an Angular application and here is a snippet of my code:

Within the application, I have multiple cards. One of them is a single mat-card, while the rest are generated dynamically based on the data in an array. The issue I'm encountering is that the dynamically generated cards, using *ngFor, are starting below the first card. What I want is for the first card to appear at the top, followed by the dynamically generated cards in close proximity to it. If there is no space left on the first line, then the cards should move to the second line, and so on. It seems like I may have made an error in structuring the layout in terms of columns and rows. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this layout?

Answer №1

Place the information from the card inside a div element and set the CSS to include the following property: min-width: max-content; This will allow the div to adjust its size based on the content of the card.

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