Application of stroke-linecap in SVG limited to single end only

Can a linecap be added to only one end of a stroke, rather than both ends like in the default sample below?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg width="120" height="120" viewBox="0 0 120 120" version="1.1" xmlns="">

    <line stroke-linecap="butt"
      x1="30" y1="30" x2="30" y2="90"
      stroke="teal" stroke-width="20"/>

    <line stroke-linecap="round"
      x1="60" y1="30" x2="60" y2="90"
      stroke="teal" stroke-width="20"/>
    <path d="M30,30 L30,90 M60,30 L60,90 M90,30 L90,90" 
      stroke="white" />

Answer №1

You have the option to create two lines, stacked on top of each other.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg width="120" height="120" viewBox="0 0 120 120" version="1.1" xmlns="">

    <line stroke-linecap="butt"
      x1="30" y1="30" x2="30" y2="90"
      stroke="teal" stroke-width="20"/>

    <line stroke-linecap="round"
      x1="60" y1="30" x2="60" y2="70"
      stroke="teal" stroke-width="20"/>
    <line stroke-linecap="butt"
      x1="60" y1="40" x2="60" y2="90"
      stroke="teal" stroke-width="20"/>
    <path d="M30,30 L30,90 M60,30 L60,90 M90,30 L90,90" 
      stroke="white" />

Answer №2

Here is a clever solution that showcases the use of a single line and markers/marker-ends, inspired by Paulie_D:

<svg width="120" height="120" viewBox="0 0 120 120" version="1.1" xmlns="">
        <marker id="round" viewBox="-1 -1 2 2" markerWidth="1" orient="auto">
            <circle r="1" fill="teal"/>

    <line x1="30" y1="90" x2="30" y2="30"
          stroke="teal" stroke-width="20" marker-end="url(#round)"/>

    <line stroke-linecap="round"
          x1="60" y1="30" x2="60" y2="90"
          stroke="teal" stroke-width="20"/>

    <line x1="90" y1="30" x2="90" y2="90"
          stroke="teal" stroke-width="20" marker-end="url(#round)"/>

    <path d="M30,30 L30,90 M60,30 L60,90 M90,30 L90,90"

Answer №3

When using square linecaps, remember that the length of the cap extension is half the width of the line.

To apply this rule, extend the line by half of its width in the direction where you want to place the linecap.

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