Developing SAPUI5: Construct a GenericTile featuring a centrally positioned icon

I'm having trouble creating a custom tile in SAP that inherits from sap.suite.ui.commons.GenericTile and only displays an icon centered in the middle of the tile. The standard aggregations and properties are causing issues as they position the icon on the left lower side.

I attempted the following code but it did not work:


sap.suite.ui.commons.GenericTile.extend("myAddTile", {

init: function() {
    // do something for initialization...;
renderer: function(oRm, oControl) {
    var oPlusIcon = new sap.ui.core.Icon({
        src: 'sap-icon://sys-add'
    sap.suite.ui.commons.GenericTileRenderer.render(oRm, oControl);

The resulting tile appears empty...

Answer №1

After experimenting with the renderer, I developed the following solution:

    rm.writeAttribute("id", oControl.getId() + "-icon");
    rm.renderControl(new sap.ui.core.Icon({
        src: 'sap-icon://sys-add',
        size: "5rem"

To ensure proper alignment of the icon, I added the following CSS style rules:

.myAddTileIcon .sapUiIcon {
  font-family: SAP-icons;
  font-size: 5rem;
  line-height: inherit;
  cursor: default;
  text-align: center;
  display: block;
  padding-top: 20%;
  vertical-align: middle;
  color: grey;

If anyone has suggestions on a more elegant approach to this problem, please feel free to share.



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