An issue has been identified where a single image is not displaying properly on Android devices, as well as IE7 and

Hey there! I recently created a Wordpress site and it seems that the Art Below logo isn't appearing in IE7, IE8, and Android for some reason. Would anyone be willing to help troubleshoot this issue?

If you have fresh eyes, please take a look at the footer logo on the left side of the website.

Answer №1

Seems like the image is in CMYK format. Try converting it to RGB and see if that helps. I tried viewing it on IE8/7 and it just shows a red circle, but loads perfectly on other browsers.

Update: I've converted your file to RGB for you - . If you're unsure how to do this or are unable to, simply download the file, rename it to artbelow.jpg, replace the existing file on your server (), perform a hard refresh (usually alt+f5), and check if it displays correctly.

For more information about CMYK compatibility with IE (and potentially Android browsers as well), you can read this article -

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