Getting the next sibling element with Selenium: A complete guide

Having trouble targeting a textbox after the label "First Name" in a list to enter a first name. Here's what I've tried:

        WebElement firstNameLocTry = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[text()='First Name']/following-sibling::div"));

Here is what the list item looks like:

<li class="WPTO WKVO" role="presentation" data-automation-id="formLabelRequired">

<div class="WBUO WETO WDUO">
<label id="56$551056--uid24-formLabel" data-automation-id="formLabel" for="56$551056--uid24-input">First Name</label>
<div class="WEUO wd-c8594868-6b31-4526-9dda-7d146648964b" aria-hidden="true">First Name</div>

<div data-automation-id="decorationWrapper" id="56$551056" class="WFUO">
<div class="WICJ">
<div class="WMP2 textInput WLP2 WJ5" data-automation-id="textInput" id="56$551056--uid24" data-metadata-id="56$551056" style="visibility: visible;">
<input type="text" class="gwt-TextBox WEQ2" data-automation-id="textInputBox" tabindex="0" role="textbox" id="56$551056--uid24-input" aria-invalid="false" aria-required="true">


Any ideas why sendKeys isn't working and leads to Element not interactable?

Answer №1

The following HTML code will generate the output displayed below:

When using the provided XPath to locate the second "First Name" Div [shown in the image], attempting to use sendKeys will result in the error message "Element not interactable" being raised.

Try using the following two XPaths:

1. //label[text()='First Name']//parent::div/following-sibling::div
2. //label[text()='First Name']//parent::div/following-sibling::div//input

Answer №2

Feel free to utilize this xpath:

//span[text()='Product Name']

or experiment with:

//*[contains(text(),'Product Name')]

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