An engaging CSS3 animation that alternates between popping in and out, resetting after each item has been displayed

My project involves using a background image in the form of a map. I am looking to display a series of testimonials as absolutely positioned divs on this map, and have them appear and disappear one after another. Once all testimonials have been shown, I need the cycle to repeat.

What would be the best approach for implementing this using CSS3 animations?

Answer №1

One technique to create a dynamic element animation is by utilizing CSS3 animations with delays, followed by utilizing JS setInterval to initiate the animation again. This method is frequently used in AdWords advertisements.

An excellent resource for ready-made animations is animate.css. To effectively implement this, it's crucial to calculate the total time required for all animations to complete and then establish an interval that removes and reapplies the necessary classes each time the full set of animations finishes.

Answer №2

One cool trick I enjoy using involves iterating through each element you want to display and offsetting the animation based on the element's index multiplied by a specific time length. By encapsulating this in a function and calling it after a certain duration multiplied by the array length of elements, you can create an infinite loop effect. Here is some basic code showcasing half-second animations:

function performAnimation() {
    $('.your-elements').each(function(index, value) {
        var currentElement = $(this);
        setTimeout(function() { 
            // put your animation here e.g. $(currentElement).fadeIn(500);           
        }, index * 500);        
    setTimeout(performAnimation(), $('.your-elements').length * 500);

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