Alter the path within a paragraph tag in html

I'm having some trouble changing the direction of a tag inside another tag. It's not working correctly for me.

In the example below, I want to see aslami @ exactly as I have written it, but the result is showing @ before a instead of after i.

<p style="width: 100%; direction: rtl; text-align: right;">
  <em style="direction: ltr; text-align: left;">aslami @</em>

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, remember to include unicode-bidi:isolate;reference

<p style="width: 100%; direction: rtl; text-align: right;">
  <em style="direction: ltr;unicode-bidi:isolate; text-align: left;">aslami @</em>

Furthermore, it is advisable to use the dir attribute rather than direction, as specified.

It is recommended for HTML authors to rely on the HTML dir attribute and <bdo> element in order to ensure accurate bidirectional layout even when CSS styling is disabled. Avoid using direction within HTML documents.

Note that there exists a subtle distinction between dir and direction.

Regarding direction:


This property establishes inline base direction (bidi directionality) from left-to-right within the line. reference

For dir:

The ltr keyword corresponds to the ltr state

Indicates explicit directional isolation for left-to-right text content within the element. reference

Therefore, utilizing dir=ltr equals

direction: ltr;unicode-bidi:isolate;
rather than solely direction: ltr;

Refer to the response provided by @Ori Drori

Consider employing the bdi tag for similar outcomes:

<p style="width: 100%; direction: rtl; text-align: right;">
  <bdi><em style="direction: ltr; text-align: left;">aslami @</em></bdi>

The bdi element isolates text from its surroundings to facilitate proper bidirectional text formatting reference

Answer №2

The direction property in css is primarily used to establish layout direction, as demonstrated in the first example on the provided link. To define text direction, utilize the html dir attribute:

<p dir="rtl" style="direction: rtl;">
  <em dir="ltr">aslami @</em>

Answer №3

If you want to make your code more concise, you can simply utilize the dir attribute on your HTML tag. Here's an example:

<p dir="rtl" style="width: 100%; text-align: right;">
مهدی<em dir="ltr">aslami @</em>خاوری


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