Looking to adjust the width of a Bootstrap dropdown menu?

I am trying to adjust the width of my dropdown menu

Here is a link to jsfiddle with my code: [jsfiddler][1]. On the right side of the main menu, I have a languages dropdown menu. When it expands, its width is very large and I want it to match the main menu's width.

Please assist me in solving this issue.

[1]: https://jsfiddle.net/giasoft/8cftqmkb/2/

Answer №1


  padding: 3px 5px 3px 0;

Link to modified code

Answer №2

Everything is going well. I just wrote a small JavaScript code to monitor widths.

var menuwidth = $('.langs > a').width();
    if(menuwidth > 75) {
        $('.navbar-darkblue .tmenu .dropdown-menu>li>a').css({
            'padding-left': (100 - menuwidth) + 'px',
            'padding-right': (100 - menuwidth) + 'px'

It's all working perfectly now...

Thank you everyone!

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