Building custom components in Vue.js/NuxtJS can be a breeze when using a default design that can be easily customized through a JSON configuration

Currently, I am in the process of developing a NuxtJS website where the pages and components can either have a generic design by default or be customizable based on client specifications provided in the URL.

The URL structure is as follows:

- Generic page

- Client-specific page

To achieve this functionality, I have created a JSON configuration file for each client, such as client-name.json, which follows a specific structure outlined below:

  "some_configuration_property": {},
  "another_configuration_property": {},
  "design": {
    "logoUrl": "/assets/client-name/logo.png",
    "backgroundColor": "#000000",
    "primaryColor": "#ffffff",
    "secondaryColor": "#ffff00"

I have successfully implemented the routing system to read the client's configuration based on the current route within the Vue file setup method using @nuxt/composition-api. However, I am currently facing an issue on how to pass these "design variables" into the <style> tag of my Vue file, which utilizes SCSS.

  • Initially, I considered using CSS variables to create default values that could be overridden within styles. While this approach worked for individual components, I quickly realized that creating classes for each client would not be ideal due to maintainability concerns.

For example:

// Customizable component
.my-button {
   color: (--button-color, teal);

// Styling from a parent component/view
v::deep {
  div {
    &.my-button {
      --button-color: purple;
  • Although the /deep/ selector or ::v-deep pseudo selector could be used, it may lead to messy code and decreased maintainability when styling components from parents.

  • Another potential solution involves passing a variable, such as classArray, within the setup method to dynamically bind CSS classes to DOM elements. Yet, creating a CSS class for each client with associated styles could prove cumbersome.

As seen here:

  <my-button :class="classArray"></my-button>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'MyPage',
  setup() {
    const clientName = 'someClientName';
    const classArray = [clientName]
    return { classArray };

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.someClientName {
  // custom styles

What approach would you recommend in handling this situation?

Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

To dynamically load custom theme configuration, CSS variables (properties) must be utilized. These variables can be encapsulated within SCSS functions and incorporate default theme fallbacks:

// theme.scss
$primaryColor: #abc;
// $buttonColor: $primaryColor

@function primaryColor() {
  @return #{var(--primary-color, $primaryColor)}

@function buttonColor() {
  @return #{var(--button-color, primaryColor())}

Subsequently, primaryColor(), etc should replace direct usage of $primaryColor, etc as in conventional SCSS themes:

// Within the customizable component
.my-button {
   color: buttonColor();

The custom theme can then be applied on page load either globally across the entire document or selectively to specific components within the hierarchy that necessitate customization:

const config = await loadClientConfig();,

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