What causes the discrepancy in pixel size between these two web pages on the same device?

I am currently putting together a portfolio showcasing the projects I have worked on while learning to code. Each project page has a banner at the top, but I'm encountering an issue with one site (Jubilee Austen page) that is unresponsive.

After using the Chrome Inspector tool, it indicates that the banner on the Jubilee Austen page is 55px tall, which should be the same as another project page (Rogue Pickings page). However, for some reason, the banners appear differently in terms of size. Why could this discrepancy be happening?

Check out the Jubilee Austen page

View the Rogue Pickings page

If anyone has an idea or solution on how I can ensure both banners display at the same height, I would greatly appreciate any assistance!

Answer №1

Does the zoom level persist on an iPhone like it does on desktop browsers? Have you accidentally zoomed in or out on one of them? Is there a way to ensure you are at 100% zoom?


Is the smaller item within a set of tags that is smaller than 55px? This could be restricting its size.

Answer №2

Your banner does not adjust to different screen sizes, as its height is fixed at 55px. This means that if the website is viewed with a different zoom level, the banner may appear smaller or larger than intended.

To ensure your banner displays correctly on all devices, check for the viewport meta tag in the following sites:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

If the initial-scale value varies or if the viewport tag is missing from any of the pages, this could be the reason behind the discrepancies in display.

It's important to note that the zoom level impacts the width of the page, subsequently affecting the visual size of your banner. To make your banner responsive, consider using percentage units for height instead of pixels.


The first page appears wider than the second one, so when you zoom out to view the entire page, the visual height of your banner may change accordingly.

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