The header menu is not appearing on the gray bar in Internet Explorer

Having some issues with IE8, specifically on the website .

The website header is not displaying correctly in IE8, but it works fine in Chrome and Firefox.

Another issue is that the white area of the site is not 960px width as intended...

Answer №1

To ensure your content is properly enclosed within the #nav div, activate the hasLayout effect on it by adding the following CSS:

#nav {

Answer №2

Have you noticed that your blending table-based design with div-based design? I would suggest considering designing your layout using just divs instead of tables. Tidying up your code will benefit you more than simply addressing current issues, especially in older browsers like IE8. Have you checked how your site looks in Safari/Chrome and newer versions of Internet Explorer (IE9+)? It might be worth taking a look to see the consequences of having messy HTML code, not meant to offend but to offer assistance...

Additionally, try to avoid applying fixed heights to tables/divs whenever possible, allowing them to adjust automatically based on content. Since you are already using divs in certain parts of your code, my recommendation would be to switch to designing the entire site using divs...

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