All you need to know about the properties of CSS ul

When I specify

.a ul{}
.a ul li{}

as well as

.b ul{}
.b ul li{}

will the properties of ul in .b be completely isolated from the properties of ul in .a? Or will they have some commonalities?

I am looking to ensure that the styles for ul remain entirely separate between .a and .b, without resorting to using a div id. Thank you.

Answer №1

Ensuring in your HTML that class="a" elements are not nested inside class="b" elements, or vice versa, will allow your selectors to target separate <ul> elements.

Common styling for <ul> elements in both .a and .b can be achieved if:

  • You group the selectors as follows:

    .a ul, .b ul {}
    .a ul li, .b ul li {}
  • You apply identical style rules to both selectors

  • In your HTML, the <ul> element is within elements of both classes (e.g., class="a b", .a inside .b, or .b inside .a), like this:

    <div class="a b">
    <div class="b">
        <div class="a">
    <div class="a">
        <div class="b">

    Please note that this scenario only holds true if the second condition is also met; you might not achieve the desired outcome due to the effects of the cascade.

Answer №2

When a parent element contains either the .a or .b class individually, they will exhibit entirely different behaviors. However, if the parent element possesses both classes, the outcome is determined by the css hierarchy.

Answer №3

Within an element with the class="a," any uls will receive the .a styles. Those within class="b" will take on the b style.

If b is nested inside a, both a and b styles will be applied unless the same property is set in both - in which case b will be prioritized. e.g.

<div class="a">
<div class="b">
<li>...</li> etc

If you specify class="a b" on the container, as clarified by Boltclock, any styles defined as .a.b ul will be the most specific and override properties defined in .a or .b. If shared properties only exist in .a and .b, then the one declared later in the stylesheet takes precedence.

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