LESS: Using variable values in mixin and variable names

I am looking to simplify the process of generating icons from svg-files while also creating a png-sprite fallback for IE8 support. I am using grunt.js and less.

I was inspired by the implementation on 2gis.ru: (in Russian), where they used technologies such as node.js, npm, grunt.js, and less.

Here is a snippet of code that showcases what I am aiming to achieve:

I have created this template: https://github.com/andrey-hohlov/template-mark-up (don't forget to use 'npm install' after cloning)

However, I am facing an issue in one step:

  1. Place svg-icons in github.com/andrey-hohlov/template-mark-up/tree/master/assets/dev/img/svg-icons
  2. Put png-icons in github.com/andrey-hohlov/template-mark-up/tree/master/assets/dev/img/png-icons
  3. Utilize grunt
  4. All sprites will be generated in github.com/andrey-hohlov/template-mark-up/tree/master/assets/build/img
  5. .less files are created in github.com/andrey-hohlov/template-mark-up/tree/master/assets/dev/css/less/mixins/bg-icon/temp using spritesmith, which cannot be modified

Now onto the less files:

  1. github.com/andrey-hohlov/template-mark-up/blob/master/assets/dev/css/less/mixins/bg-icon/temp/datauri.less contains base64 code for svg icons with class names based on file names, only allowing me to set suffixes and prefixes
  2. Files like github.com/andrey-hohlov/template-mark-up/blob/master/assets/dev/css/less/mixins/bg-icon/temp/sprite.datauri.less include mixins and variables for creating sprite css for png icons, leveraging the width and height data from svg icons (as the datauri task provides only base64)
  3. The issue lies in github.com/andrey-hohlov/template-mark-up/blob/master/assets/dev/css/less/mixins/bg-icon/bg-icon.less. There are two mixins - one for svg icons and one for png icons. I need to utilize them with the "filename" parameter to generate css for icons, but I am unsure how to do so. I have left comments in the file.

P.S. I had to remove some URLs due to my lack of reputation. P.P.S. Apologies for any language errors in my explanation :(

Answer №1


I am curious about how I can utilize mixin names and variable names based on another variable's value.


(1). If you want to reference a variable by its name stored in another variable, you can use the syntax for "Variable Referencing", like this:

#example {
    @banana: 22px;
    @potato: "banana";

    width: @@potato; // -> 22px

(2). Calling a mixin by a name set in a variable is not possible. To selectively invoke a mixin based on a variable value, consider using "Pattern Matching". Here’s an example:

.mixin("banana", @values...) {
    color: @values;

.mixin("potato", @values...) {
    background-color: @values;

#usage {
    .mixin("banana", tomato); // -> color: #ff6347
    .mixin("potato", wheat);  // -> background-color: #f5deb3

If modifying those mixins is not an option, one alternative is to create wrappers:

.mixin(peach) {.mixin-peach()}

#usage {
    @variable: peach;
    .mixin(@variable); // invokes .mixin-peach

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