Arranging five divs within one main div horizontally with equal margins between them

I am currently working on a website system where I need to place 5 divs within 1 main div horizontally. However, I want the spacing between the 5 divs to be equal and fixed within the main div. Below is how my current page looks:

From the image above, I would like to align all 5 divs within the main div, with "SUSTAINABILITY" positioned at the red line. Here is my current code:

<div class="prolist">

<div class="col2 left paddingLR">
    <div class="item2 aligncenter">
    <div class="iteminner bgP">
        <div class="itemcircle"><a href="/financial-summary-p-815/"><img src="/App_ClientFile/7ff8cb3f-fbf6-42e7-81da-6db6a0ab2ef4/Assets/ir/financial.jpg" alt="" /></a></div></div>
    <h5>FINANCIAL Information</h5><a href="/financial-summary-p-815/">read more..</a></div></div>
<div class="col2 left paddingLR">
    <div class="item2 aligncenter">
    <div class="iteminner bgB">
        <div class="itemcircle"><a href="/annual-report-p-817/"><img src="/App_ClientFile/7ff8cb3f-fbf6-42e7-81da-6db6a0ab2ef4/Assets/img-financial-report.jpg" /></a></div></div>
    <h5>ANNUAL<br />
        REPORT</h5><a href="/annual-report-p-817/">read more..</a></div></div>
<div class="col2 left paddingLR">
    <div class="item2 aligncenter">
    <div class="iteminner bgO">
        <div class="itemcircle"><a href="/corporate-calendar-p-823/"><img src="/App_ClientFile/7ff8cb3f-fbf6-42e7-81da-6db6a0ab2ef4/Assets/ir/calendar.jpg" alt="" /></a></div></div>
    <h5>Corporate Calendar</h5><a href="/corporate-calendar-p-823/">read more..</a></div></div>
<div class="col2 left paddingLR">
    <div class="item2 aligncenter">
    <div class="iteminner bgG">
        <div class="itemcircle"><img src="/App_ClientFile/7ff8cb3f-fbf6-42e7-81da-6db6a0ab2ef4/Assets/ir/IR circle picture.JPG" alt="" /></div></div>
    <h5>CORPORATE PRESENTATION</h5><a target="_blank" href="/App_ClientFile/7ff8cb3f-fbf6-42e7-81da-6db6a0ab2ef4/Assets/IR Presentation/TG Website_English_240420.pdf"> English</a> /<a target="_blank" href="/App_ClientFile/7ff8cb3f-fbf6-42e7-81da-6db6a0ab2ef4/Assets/IR Presentation/TG Website_Chinese_240420.pdf"> Chinese</a><br />

<div class="col2 left paddingLR">
    <div class="item2 aligncenter">
    <div class="iteminner bgB">
        <div class="itemcircle"><img src="/App_ClientFile/7ff8cb3f-fbf6-42e7-81da-6db6a0ab2ef4/Assets/ir/sustain_icon.jpg" alt="" /></div></div><br />

    <h5>SUSTAINABILITY</h5><a target="_blank" href="/sustainability/"> read more..</a></div></div>

I would like the layout to be similar to this (just a sample):

Can anyone assist me with this? Thank you!

Answer №1

It would have been greatly appreciated if you had provided the CSS code used for this page. However, I have come up with a quick fix that might do the trick:

.prolist {
   display: flex;
   justify-content: space-between;
   flex-direction: row;
   width: 100%;

If you had previously added margins to create space between each element, you can remove them now as this code will ensure equal spacing between them. If this solution does not work as intended, please share the CSS code you initially used for further assistance.

Answer №2

One way to achieve this is by utilizing the flex property.

.product-list {
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: row;
   justify-content: space-between;
   width: 100%;

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