All components in my app are being styled by CSS files

Currently, I am facing an issue with my React app in VS Code. My goal is to assign a distinct background color to each component. However, the problem arises when unwanted CSS styles from other files start affecting components even though they are not imported. How can I resolve this issue and ensure that only imported CSS files apply to their respective components?

My initial attempt involved using JavaScript functions to manipulate colors, but it felt like an unnecessary workaround. I believe there must be a more concise CSS-based solution available.

Answer №1

Indeed, I have encountered this issue frequently. It typically arises when the same class is utilized for multiple HTML elements. I recently discovered that CSS files have a global scope by default, meaning styles defined for one component or file can affect others as well. Moreover, styles can unintentionally trickle down from parent to child components. Remember to use unique class names in each React JS project.

Alternatively, you can employ CSS Modules for a more effective solution.

When naming your CSS files: Use "Cssfilename.module.css"

    background-color: red;
    color: yellow;


In your ReactJS Component:

import React from "react";
import styles from "./Cssfilename.module.css";

const Component = () => {
    return (
        <div className={styles.container}>
            Insert Random Text Displayed in Yellow

export default Component;

With CSS Modules, you can contain styles within the component, avoiding unwanted interference and enhancing maintainability.

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