Using JavaScript to print radio type buttons

Currently working on a web page and I've encountered a problem that's got me stumped. There are two sets of radio buttons - the first set for package dimensions and the second set for weight. The values from these buttons are assigned to variables PV_it and PV_eu in a JavaScript function. The task at hand is to determine which variable (PV_it or weight) has the higher value and display it within a specific div element. Any thoughts or suggestions on how to approach this would be greatly appreciated as I'm currently stuck and unsure of where to start.

Answer №1

According to the input from other users, it is important for radios that are grouped together to have the same name. This allows you to easily access the selected value in your script.

Feel free to explore this reactive Vue example I've put together for you.

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data() {
    return {
      dimensions: [
        "31 x 16 x 10", "33 x 20 x 15", "35 x 25 x 17", "40 x 31 x 20", "40 x 35 x 25", "41 x 40 x 30", "45 x 45 x 37", "50 x 50 x 40", "60 x 50 x 50"
      weights: [
        "0 - 1", "1 - 2", "2 - 3", "3 - 5", "5 - 7", "7 - 10", "10 - 15", "15 - 20", "20 - 30"
      selectedDimension: -1,
      selectedWeight: -1,
      prices: [
        0.83, 1.65, 2.48, 4.13, 5.83, 8.2, 12.49, 16.67, 25
  computed: {
    highestSelection() {
      return this.selectedDimension > this.selectedWeight? this.selectedDimension : this.selectedWeight;
    managementFee() {
      return 0; // add your calculation here
    returnRate() {
      return 0; // add your calculation here
    storageFee() {
      return 0; // add your calculation here
    shipmentItaly() {
      return this.highestSelection != -1 ? this.prices[this.highestSelection]: 0; // example only. add your calculation here
    shipmentEurope() {
      return this.shipmentItaly * 1.2; // example only. add your calculation here
    shipmentWorldwide() {
      return this.shipmentItaly * 2; // example only. add your calculation here
  filters: {
    price(val) {
      return val.toFixed(2);
@import url('');

#app {
  font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace;
  display: grid;
  gap: 1rem;
  justify-content: center;

#app > * {
  padding: 1rem;
  background: #eee;

.dimensions, .weights {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-auto-flow: column;
  gap: .5rem;

.prices {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
  <div class="dimensions"><label v-for="(dimension, i) in dimensions" :key="`dimension-${i}`"><input type="radio" name="dimension" v-model="selectedDimension" :value="i">{{ dimension }} cm</label></div>
  <div class="weights"><label v-for="(weight, i) in weights"  :key="`weight-${i}`"><input type="radio" name="weight" v-model="selectedWeight" :value="i">{{ weight }} kg</label></div>
  <div class="prices">
    <div>MANAGEMENT FEE</div>
    <div>RETURN RATE</div>
    <div>STORAGE FEE</div>
    <div>{{ managementFee | price }} €</div>
    <div>{{ returnRate | price }} €</div>
    <div>{{ storageFee | price }} €</div>
  <div class="shipments">
    <div>{{ shipmentItaly | price }} € Italy Shipping</div>
    <div>{{ shipmentEurope | price }} € Europe Shipping</div>
    <div>{{ shipmentWorldwide | price }} € WORLDWIDE* ZONE 6</div>

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