Aligning text and checkboxes for perfection

Looking for a solution to align text and checkbox without using a blank image; I have the following HTML code:

            <span><b>System Type</b></span>

            <img src="~/Content/images/blank_img.png" alt="blank" />

            <input type="checkbox" class="switch hidden" id="myswitch@(i)"
                   data-off-text="Inactive" />

This code produces the output shown here.

Note that the blank image is purely white in color.

If we remove the reference to the blank image, the alignment changes as demonstrated here.

I am seeking advice on how to achieve the same alignment effect between the text ("System Type") and the checkbox without relying on a blank image. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

To enhance the layout, experiment with applying display: inline-block to all elements along with:

line-height: the measurement of the switch;
vertical-align: center;

specifically within the span labeled "System Type."

Answer №2

Construct a <div> element that holds both the System Type text and the Checkbox button within it.

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