"Aligning Images and Text in Sencha Touch Proves to be Ch

Exploring Sencha Touch for the first time and running into challenges with styling images (such as centering) and text (like adjusting size/color).

Can anyone guide me on where to add style tags?

Sample item below:

 // The following represents a simple HTML structure for the home page 
                title: 'Home',
                iconCls: 'home',
                cls: 'home',
                scrollable: true,
                style: 'text-align:center',  // Centering text
                html: [
                    '<img height=260 src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Logo_2013_Google.png"/>',
                    '<h1>Welcome to the Demo HTML5 App</h1>',
                    "<p>Built with Sencha Touch</p>"

Answer №1

The technique presented doesn't involve utilizing STYLE tags. Instead, a "cls" is being assigned to the component, which functions as a CSS class. Construct your styles using CSS:

.landing img {}
.landing h2 {}
.landing p {}

Answer №2

While I understand arthurkay's perspective, adjusting to inline styling may require updating the code...

style: 'justify-content:center'

...in order to achieve the desired effect.

style: 'text-align:center'

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