tables that are intertwined

There are three tables on my page and they are all overlapping. Is there a way to prevent this overlap?

Check out this link

<table id="inventoryTable" class="table dataTable" aria-describedby="inventoryTable_info">
                            <tr class="inventoryListHeading" role="row" style="background-color: #1a4567; color: white;">
                                <th class="sorting_disabled" role="columnheader" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 103px;">Qty</th>
                                <th class="sorting_disabled" role="columnheader" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 123px;">MFG P/N</th>
                                <th class="sorting_disabled" role="columnheader" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 85px;">Unit Price</th>
                                <th class="sorting_disabled" role="columnheader" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 134px;">Ext. Price</th>

                        <tbody role="alert" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">
                            <tr id="row_1" class="odd">
                                <td class=" "><div id="fdCompanyName_1"><a href="/Customer/index/?step=modify&amp;cid=1">FQ Systems</a></div></td>
                                <td class=" "><div id="fdCustId_1"><a href="/Customer/index/?step=modify&amp;cid=1">1</a></div></td>
                                <td class=" "><div id="fdContactName_1"><a href="/Customer/index/?step=modify&amp;cid=1">Soojin Kim</a></div></td>
                                <td class=" "><div id="fdPhone_1"><a href="/Customer/index/?step=modify&amp;cid=1">408-172-3827</a></div></td>


Answer №1

There doesn't seem to be any issues with your table itself. It could be related to your CSS styling. Consider utilizing a debugging tool such as Firebug for assistance.

Answer №2

Whoa! This is a prime example of "divitis," with an excessive amount of divs in the HTML on that fiddle. There's a table nested inside a div and divs within table cells.

While this setup may function, why not simply assign ids to the td elements instead? Are you restricted by a certain CMS?

Additionally, I noticed the ID fdContactName_1 appears twice just by scanning through the code. IDs should be unique and only appear once per page.

I recommend copying all the code, pasting it into the validator at

Address any errors and work on improving the content structure. Currently, based on the fiddle code, there are 82 Errors and 45 warning(s). The warnings may be less critical.

Even applying something like table margin:0 0 30px 0; could pose challenges due to the numerous ids...achieving proper specificity will be quite tricky.

Answer №3

The solution is actually quite straightforward. Your tables are exceeding the size of the containing div. Try specifying a width for your table. In addition, consider removing the unnecessary div span5 within another div, as this will allow your table to resize properly to fit within its designated container.

Furthermore, you seem to have an excessive number of superfluous divs in your code. As mentioned by Kelly Johnson, having a single div inside a td and using span5 within span6 serves no real purpose. Each element should be considered a container; therefore, using divs just for styling can lead to unnecessary nesting. Remember, a div acts as a rectangular container, so avoid placing one rectangle inside another. If you require spacing between text and the edge of a td, utilize padding in your styling.

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