Administer styles to individual Angular Material components using external CSS files

I am attempting to customize a specific mat input element in my application using an external CSS file.

For instance, I have imported textfield.css and style.css files for this purpose.

Let me provide some code snippets below:

    <input class="txtfieldwithBorderGreen" formControlName="password" matInput type="Password" placeholder="password">

Here is the HTML file with the applied class


I aim to configure the properties of any text field by simply applying this class wherever necessary.

Thus, I created a textfield.css file and included it in the style.css file as shown below:

.mat-form-field-appearance-legacy .mat-form-field-label {
    background-color: green !important;

The textfield.css file is imported into styles.css file as follows:

@import 'globalcss/textfield.css';

html, body { height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
body { margin: 0; font-family: Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; }

This styling will be implemented on all matInputs, but I specifically want to target one input. Hence, I added the following code:

.txtfieldwithBorderGreen .mat-form-field-appearance-legacy .mat-form-field-label {
    background-color: green !important;

However, it seems that the above code is not functioning properly. When I remove .txtfieldwithBorderGreen, the styling works fine across all mat inputs. Any insights on where I may be making a mistake or if any adjustments are needed?

P.S. My objective is to create predefined CSS classes like

textfield-smaller textfield-big, etc., and easily assign the class name to the mat inputs without needing to modify the respective CSS files each time.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Begin by creating a separate file named textfield.css

Next, import it into your style.css like so:

@import 'globalcss/textfield.scss';

Place that file in the globalcss folder located under src, like this:


Now you can style any matInput element by simply adding the class "small-text-field" as shown below:

<mat-form-field class="small-text-field"> 
    <input matInput placeholder="Username">

The contents of the textfield.css file should look something like this:

.mat-form-field.smallTextfield .mat-form-field-wrapper {
    font-size: 10px;
    width: 125px;

Applying this class to any matInput element throughout the application will have the desired effect. Keep in mind that ng::deep is deprecated, and instead use the following directive within the ts file:

encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None

This directive should be included inside the component declaration:

  selector: 'app-login',
  templateUrl: './login.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./login.component.css'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None

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