Adjusting the line-height and baseline to accommodate various screen sizes on both mobile and desktop

This problem seems to keep coming back for me.

I can't figure out what's causing it. Here are two images showing the issue:

On desktops:

On mobile devices:

As you can see, the text is not vertically centered on mobile devices.

Strangely, this problem only appears on mobile devices.

What am I missing here? This alignment issue also affects input fields.

Below is the CSS code I'm using for the buttons:

  font-family: 'Gotham Pro', sans-serif
  font-size: 14px
  color: $color-text--button
  padding: 10px 15px
  text-transform: uppercase
  background: $color-button--default
  border: 1px solid $color-transparent

Note: I'm using padding to set the height of the buttons.


I just tested the website on the Firefox browser for Android and everything seems to be working correctly. The issue only occurs in Chrome.

Answer №1

Your code is missing a line-height specification.

To resolve this issue, consider setting a specific line-height for your text. It is recommended to center your text using line-height instead of padding. Match the line-height value with the height of the button element.


.button {
    height: 40px;
    line-height: 40px;

This method will only work effectively for single-line text elements. For more insights, visit this Stack Overflow question.

Answer №2

Ensure you have a designated media query tailored specifically for mobile devices. Consider including:

// Choose a screen width value that suits mobile devices, such as 640 or 768
@media (max-width:480px){
    line-height: 18px;  // Define the desired line height for mobile view

Answer №3

It is a common practice to set styles on the body element since not all browsers have a default style.

 font-size: 100%;
 line-height: 1.333%;

This ensures consistency and takes care of potential issues.

Answer №4

Today, I had the task of working with a stylish font and observed that it displayed differently in line-height on chrome mobile compared to chrome desktop in mobile emulator (devtools). This discrepancy seems to be a bug that should be reported for either the desktop or mobile version of Chrome. Adjusting the line-height can resolve this issue, but it can be tedious if there are many elements involved. After some investigation, I discovered these properties:

ascent-override: 92%; /* experiment with values */
descent-override: 10%; /* may not always be necessary */

In addition, since I only needed the font change to apply to mobile Chrome, I experimented with media queries and successfully achieved the desired outcome.

@media (max-width: 1000px) {
    ascent-override: 92%;

Answer №5

Here is a fantastic solution:

  spacing-override: 0%;
  height-override: 50%;
  margin-override: 5%;


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