How to target child <div> elements within a parent <div> using jQuery

I am facing an issue with my parent <div> named #amwcontentwrapper. It contains a series of child divs with their own classes and ids.

My goal is to utilize jQuery to select these child divs, and if they have the class .amwhidden, I want to leave them as they are. However, if they do not have the class, I need to remove the .amwshown class and add the .amwhidden class.

The current code snippet I have is not functioning properly. I suspect that the issue lies in how I am selecting the child divs within the parent container.

If anyone can spot any obvious problems, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

if ($('#amwcontentwrapper > div').hasClass('amwhidden')) {
} else {
    $('#amwcontentwrapper > div').fadeIn(600, function() {
        $('#amwcontentwrapper > div').removeClass('amwshown');
        $('#amwcontentwrapper > div').addClass('amwhidden');  

Below is the basic HTML structure I am working with:

<div class="amwshown" id="amwintro">
Intro Section -- The intended behavior is to remove the 'amwshown' class and add the 'amwhidden' class when the jQuery script executes.

UPDATE: By implementing War10ck's suggested solution from the comments (i.e. using

$('#amwcontentwrapper > div.amwshown')
), I have successfully managed to change the classes as desired. However, even after removing the 'amwshown' class and adding the 'amwhidden' class, the affected elements remain visible on the page. Despite having CSS rules like this:

.amwhidden {

.amwshown {

Upon inspecting the Developer Tools, I noticed that when the jQuery script runs (triggered by a click event), the classes are updated. Nonetheless, elements that had the 'amwshown' class removed but still show on the page are also being augmented with a <style> tag setting them to display:block;.

Subsequently, when I attempt to hide one of the aforementioned <div> elements by changing its class to .amwhidden, the associated <style> tag responsible for displaying it remains unaffected. This leads to the element persisting on the page despite having the 'amwhidden' class assigned to it.

I have created a corresponding JSFiddle in case additional assistance is available!


$(document).ready(function() {

  $('#buybutton').click(function() {

    $('#amwcontentwrapper > div.amwshown').fadeIn(600, function() {

    if ($('#amwbuy').hasClass('amwshown')) {} else {
      $('#amwbuy').fadeIn(600, function() {

  $('#phdbutton').click(function() {

    $('#amwcontentwrapper > div.amwshown').fadeIn(600, function() {

    if ($('#amwphd').hasClass('amwshown')) {} else {
      $('#amwphd').fadeIn(600, function() {

#sidebar {
  position: absolute;
  left: 1%;
  top: 1%;
  font-size: 5em;
  color: #000000;
  width: 10%;
  display: block;
  background-color: red;
#amwcontentwrapper {
  position: absolute;
  left: 20%;
  top: 5%;
.amwshown {
  display: block;
.amwhidden {
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>

<div id="amwsidebar">
  <span class="sidebarbutton" id="phdbutton">PhD Button</span>
  <br />
  <br />
  <span class="sidebarbutton" id="buybutton">Buy Button</span> 

<div id="amwcontentwrapper">

  <div class="amwshown" id="amwintro">
    <p>An intro section to welcome the visitor. Disappears when one of the other sections is clicked.</p>
    <br />
    <br />

  <div class="amwhidden" id="amwbuy">
    Buy Section

  <div class="amwhidden" id="amwphd">
    PhD Section



Answer №1

If you want to filter out certain elements, you can utilize the not method as shown in the example below:

$('#amwcontentwrapper > div').not('.amwhidden')

Give it a try!

Answer №2

Give this a shot

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#contentwrapper").children().each(function(item, y) {
    if ($(y).attr("class") == "hidden-item") {

<script src=""></script>

<div id="contentwrapper">
  <div class="hidden-item"></div>

Answer №3

Here is a method you can use to iterate through each element:

   $("#contentwrapper div").each(function(){
            //Perform action A
            //Perform action B

Answer №4

Appreciation for the assistance provided; it has sparked some creative thinking that led to resolving this issue.

Instead of toggling classes using jQuery, I opted to create a new class called .amwsection, which all sections belong to initially set with a display value of none. This approach ensures that all sections are hidden upon page load.

To reveal the respective section when a button is clicked, I utilize the .css function in jQuery to switch from display:none to display:block. Although effective, the transition appears abrupt without any fading effect as seen in animations with the .animate function, which unfortunately does not support altering the display property.

Fortunately, I found a solution by incorporating .fadeOut and .fadeIn functions to create a smooth fade in/out effect while still manipulating the display property.

Below is an example snippet of this code:

  • The #buybutton serves as the trigger button.
  • #amwintro represents content displayed on page load and now set to be hidden if the first button is pressed.
  • The .amwsection encompasses all hidden sections, swiftly resetting them along with the #amwintro section (within 1/100th of a second) to maintain response time efficiency.
  • The #amwbuy denotes the specific section being revealed, demonstrating a gradual fade-in effect over a longer duration.

This implementation has been tested solely in Chrome, but I am confident in its functionality!

$(document).ready(function () {

$('#buybutton').click(function() {
    $('#amwintro').fadeOut(1, function() {  
    $('.amwsection').fadeOut(1, function() {  

 $('#amwbuy').fadeIn(600, function() {  


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